March 27, 2009

Aww, whut?

My mom just interrupted my JAM SESSION!! Fuck man, you do not interrupt me from listening to SS5o1. >:[
My APWH Quiz^^
Chemistry went on as it would any other day. It was pretty unepic until the end of the period, when Mr. Dyson was talking to me, Denise, and JR. Dude, he was giving JR crap about having a girlfriend and how she probably "wears the pants in the relationship" and how love was for the weak, and other crap like that. But then, all of sudden Dyson confessed, "Y'know I shouldn't be giving you all this trouble about it, especially since I have one of my own." All three of us were like: o_O??? He told us that he's been with this woman for a couple weeks already, so that E-Harmony comment Chloe made yesterday must've hit him pretty hard. :/ It turns out that I didn't do too bad on the quiz yesterday, I got an 82%. Meh. I ditched fifth period, but I asked Celine to cover for me. Hopefully she did. :T We did another "Double-Expresso" workout! I love those, they're so fun! (; After that we just did a basic combination, and then the period ended. Mr. Sullivan kept all the girls back to give us a talk about not letting guys get away with making inappropriate comments around us.
"You know in society it is you, the women, to bear the burden and responsibility of bearing children. You ladies control reproduction. Imagine what it would be like if all the women in the world stopped and said, 'Hey, we're only going to have sex with men who have graduated from college with PhD's.' Right? You have lots of power here! And guys of this generation have thrown away many values. There used to be three things that one weren't supposed to discuss in public: religion, politics, and sex. Now, guys are making all these sexual innuendos around ladies like you to try to get your attention. Guys want to be liked by women... well a lot of them anyway. But that's impolite to do in public. Don't tolerate that kind of behavior and don't speak about it in public yourself. Save that kind of talk for when you're married to the right kind of man."
Heheh. I thought it was kind of funny, but he means well. After that I went to the lunch spot and waited for people to show up. Leah showed up too and we used her cards to play Mao. Kim won the first round, and she made up some random rule in the beginning of the game. Then I won the second game. MAN, I make up some pretty silly rules. Today, I enforced my "if you play a card of the club suit, you have to say 'let's groove tonight'" rule. >x] Ha, I'm a genius. In sixth period, we did more Double-Expresso work and some kicking drills. And this time, Mr. Sullivan told us about the history of Easter and then he explained the reason why school ends on a Monday. x) Seventh period came, and we got our tour packets and more people signed up for rooms. For a three-person room, me and Erika signed up and left the third space blank. Oh well, some random person can room with us- I don't really care too much since I won't be doing anything particularly exciting on tour. Me and Erika have organized our only plan for tour: I'm bringing my PS2 slim (because she has the fat kind) and she'll bring FFX and her memory card. And I told her about just filling my carry-on bag with food and using the suitcase for my clothes like you're supposed to.

I gave Lani a ride home today, and everything seems just peachy keen. ^-^ I don't know where all these good feelings were two months ago, but I'm happy that they're back now! <3>

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