March 28, 2009

I have a massive, throbbing headache in the right side of my brain. Dx

I got it at Mark's party- which was the funnest part of my day. (: I just got home!

First I went to the optometrist to update my contact lens prescription, and my brother came too. He had the hardest time trying to put in his contacts, and he's gonna go through HELL with those crapfaced trial lenses. My eyesight is slightly worse, but the doctor said that it was normal for teens to have worsening eyes. :/ I asked for colored contacts, and they're gonna send me some samples next week: green, amethyst, and honey. Green, because then I can be all Al-Bhed with those bad boys in my eyes. >;] Amethyst, because they didn't have pink and I want to look like some kick-ass anime character. And honey, because that's the color of Edward Cullen's eyes. ;D Then we went home and I did a bunch of cleaning and folding laundry.

I left the house for Mark's place at like, 2:30 and I got there and about 2:45 because we had to drop my sister off at choir practice first. When I got there, a bunch of people were outside, including Kim! I felt bad that I couldn't give her a ride there, but she came anyway. I ate, while the others were playing Brawl. And then Mark's mom forced us to do karaoke, and no one really wanted to do it but we all wanted to hear Kim sing. She was good, and people were confused on whether or not it was really her or if it was some really loud back-up singer. She left soon after that, though. Then Jasmin and Eve sang "Baby One More Time." x] And Anna sang! It was amazing; we all thought that she would have some soft, little kid voice but she sang like an adult. O_O We have it recorded, too. Mark had two cakes, and Juan caked him in the face! >x) We went back in and played Mario Karts, Soul Calibur IV, and Wii Fit. So, I still can't drive a kart for shit, I can only win against people playing as Xianghua/Heidi (the super cool character Mark made for me), and my new Wii Fit age is 17. It's all good though, because it's not supposed to be 17. I ate steak and rice right before I played it, so that was a big factor in making me gain a year. ;P I lost Soul Calibur to Mark, but he's a pro. And I lost to Sashary, who is a fucking n00b at the game! She didn't even know what to do and she still beat me! D: I almost beat Lani, kind of :T , and I beat Eve. At least I wasn't completely defeated, right? After that everyone played more Brawl before they got bored. Lani had to go to the bathroom, and she found out that the other light switch in Mark's bathroom triggers "romantic pink lighting." ;] LOLZ, it's so true.

We were stressing about participating in Earth hour, so we all crammed into Mark's little room and turned out the lights. Lani was trying to hack my phone's password and we kind of wrestled for it like we always do, but it wasn't too epic. And then, people started moving around and Lani bashed into my nose. It fucking hurt man, I'm not gonna lie. Usually I'm a complete masochist but this time my eyes starting watering and I got a headache. Instead of helping out with prank calls, I had to lie down. I seriously feel like I'm gonna have a black eye on the right side of my face. Hopefully it doesn't, but I had to take Alleve and get some ice so I'm not sure how I'm gonna be tomorrow morning for church. I was resting in Mark's room and watching Mulan, but then Lani's mom drove up and I had to leave.
Aww, the poor girl. She kept apologizing and saying "Oh, I feel so bad! I didn't mean it. Please tell me you're okay?" But I'm sure it'll be fine in the end. Her mom was cool, and she's still trying to pressure Lani into having a sleepover with me. :D It's probably not going to happen any time soon, though- if it ever happens. But it's cool. We got to my house and there was a bunch of cars in my driveway- WTF? I thought my parents decided to throw their own party, but it's actually this presentation for those Hong Kong pads that my mom's gonna start selling. Lani said sorry again, and I assured her that it was fine. We hugged, and we parted. I still have mad love for mai wifeey~

UGH. This headache sucks ass. Oh well, the day was great otherwise. ^-^

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