April 2, 2009

I'm fatally inconsistent.

I like punching things; it makes my knuckles feel good and I like seeing that stripe of red skin around my knuckles. But I don't like hurting other people because it makes me feel really bad. Doesn't this sound conflicted to you? People don't believe me, and they always take me for some sadist even though I'm just a weakling. I am by no means a living weapon! :/

I've had "Boom Boom Boom Boom" stuck in my head all day. No lie. We were watching "Madagascar" in Spanish, so I decided to sleep. Only, I couldn't because I had that "whoa oh, whoa oh" part stuck in my head and it just. Wouldn't. LEAVE. During the logarithm test in fifth period I was completely confused on a lot of it, and I kept hearing "I want you in my room, let's spend the night together...". It's so bad. Never ever listen to '90s music the day before a test. Ironically, annoying bubblegum pop music is what I typically listen to while I work on essays and such. x] I don't know, I actually just tune them out anyway instead of listening. I think my mind recorded it, though, and forced me to play it back. Darn my love for chessy '90s music! It's so addicting.

//edit: I realize now, after listening to it AGAIN, that my heart beats in time with the song. Not with every 'BOOM', but pretty close. Especially the part that says, "I wanna go BOOM BOOM." My heart always goes BOOM BOOM perfectly with the song there. That's just the effect music has on me, I guess. :3

Today in Martial Arts, Mr. Sullivan decided to finally have Novice Black Belt testing for Sarah and Wil. And those goshdarn Freshman came in again! Go finish writing your essays and get your grade up, geez. Your mom grounded you for a reason, and getting a pass out of that class isn't helping you too much, hon'. Anyway, since me and Sarah are relatively the same height (I say "relatively" because I'm taller. Oh yeah! ^-^) Sullivan kept picking me to be the one to give her surprise headlocks. Unlike the time with Cristina, I was actually successful in both attempts at landing my flying headlocks. >:] The first one was a regular headlock, and I did a good job at "being realistic." YAAAAY~ The second time I just ran behind her and jumped to get some extra air before getting a hold of her neck. Mr. Sullivan was like, "WHOA! Heidi over here flying and doing jumping moves like a chola!" And then someone corrected him and said I was more like a "bro-ha"- whatever that is. I'm almost positive that I'd rather be compared to a chola. (/_- No, that wasn't the comparison I was going for; I wanted to look like some small Asian female ninja! :3 It was a good day, and I feel like I kind of redeemed myself for getting uber pwned during the last NBB test. Amir asked about Red Belt testing for me, Taejung, and Carlo, and now I know that next belt test is coming up in May. Next month. O_O Shit, I only have one stripe while the guys have three already! I really need to step it up!

On another note, Spring Break is less than 24 hours away! It's so close, now. And then tour is coming up in two weeks! I'm not too stoked on it anymore though, because there are just so many rules for it this year and it doesn't seem as if the ultra-epicness of last year is going to apply to us this year. I'm pretty darn sure my mom is going to demand that I be chaperoned, too. >x[ FML. I wish Concert Strings and Chamber could've been at Disneyland together, because that's what I was looking forward to the most. I mean, I wanted to go get Icees with Mark and buy shit I don't need with a BIG group! BUT NO, Concert has to go to Disneyland on a completely different day than us. That sucks a worthog's balls dry. -____-

Commas aren't my favorite punctuation mark, but they're the most prevalent in my writing. I like exclamation marks and the ~ sign, but neither are appropriate to use everywhere. :T

HAHA, sometimes I just have nothing to blog about. Sometimes I have a really good idea for a blog, like something higly philosophical or thought-provoking. But they all come to me at the most inopportune times or when I'm too busy doing something important to remember my awesome ideas. And then you, my lovely readers, are faced with this sort of utter crap when you log into Blogger and read your blog updates.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, catch ya again, girl! It doesn't sound conflicted to me, but it sounds conflicted in you. Well, I like to read ur blog bcoz sometime it reminds me about my former teenage life. And you girl are so TEEN... lol

    Have nice day, and keep update okay? I'm reading!

