April 6, 2009

I've been dying to watch "Pocahontas"

It's a great movie, dontcha think?

Went to Plaza Bonita today and saw a couple of people, but didn't say hi. They looked busy. I didn't buy anything either, because I'm trying to save the least bit I have towards tour- even though I plan on just jacking stuff from Disneyland. (:

I was in Borders, and I ventured towards the Anime/ Manga section rather than the usual Self-Help/ Philosophy place I usually go to. I saw this manga, "Absolute Boyfriend", and I would've bought it if I wasn't broke. ;~; I don't remember what it was about, but I remember fawning over the synopsis on the back and begging my brother to buy it for me. He bought the second volume of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", and I'm pretty happy about that. I like that series, too. :3

I've been having really good ideas for blogs, because I eventually want to stop blogging about the trivial things that happen in my life. I want to inspire people, to make them think. It would help if I wasn't just some 16 year old girl with no life. :/ But thought provoking blogs take a LOT of time, so I'm gonna have to really sit down and type my heart out to finish them~

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